
Welcome to my
LinkedIn posts! 


LinkedIn is the primary platform where I share my thoughts, and you'll find that my posts often challenge conventional thinking - especially in the realm of mental health. They might come across as provocative or even "weird" by traditional standards, but that's because I question the effectiveness of mainstream approaches and invite a deeper exploration.

My own journey led me through countless modalities: CBT, NLP, meditation, somatic therapy, 'spiritual' retreats (one where we had to talk to trees - haha), mindfulness, EFT, Feminine Power - you name it. Each offered some insight, but I always felt there was more to uncover. Only when I came into Non-duality did I finally understand that the peace and clarity I had been looking for was right here all along. It knew it had to be there somewhere - how else could I have been longing for it with such certainty?

Non-duality reveals that the separate self we spend millions of dollars per year trying to fix or improve is itself also made of thought. It is an elusive mental construct that, just like the weather, is ever-changing and simply impossible to pin down, which is why no modern methods work in the long run.

Despite incredible advancements in technology and science, mental ill-health is on the rise, affecting both adults and children. I believe this escalation is due to our focus on stabilizing that "self" that cannot exist in the way we think it does. When we rely solely on science and theory and neglect inner exploration and direct insight, we miss the profound sense of wholeness that's key to true understanding and peace.

I invite you to explore these posts with an open mind and heart. They may challenge conventional beliefs, but they also hold the potential to guide us back to the peace we've been searching for in all the wrong places—a homecoming to the truth of who we really are.

I hope you find value in these reflections. If anything resonates with you or sparks curiosity, please feel free to reach out. I'm always open to meaningful conversations and explorations.

Warm regards,