An Introduction to Non-Duality: Embracing Life Fully

An Introduction to Non-Duality: Embracing Life Fully

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An Introduction to Non-Duality: Embracing Life Fully

An Introduction to Non-Duality: Embracing Life Fully

Included in the price:

  • 1 Start-up call á 45 mins

  • 4 x 90-minute sessions

    • Each session includes: 

    • Theory

    • Real-life Applications 

    • Direct Experience

    • Coaching

  • Sessions are recorded and uploaded in your private portal.

  • All materials and workbook


  • 1 Uppstartssamtal á 45 minuter

  • 4 x 90-minuters sessioner

  • Varje session inkluderar: 

    • Teori

    • Verkliga tillämpningar 

    • Direkt erfarenhet

    • Coaching

  • Sessionerna spelas in och laddas upp i din privata portal.

  • Alla material samt arbetsbok

SEK 10,000
Total due SEK 10,000

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